Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I've been meaning to do this for a while now. Blog about our everyday life and concerns we overcome.

A little insight...

When I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child, I started researching Midwives and natural birth. I also started doing research about becoming more green and using homemade products. I ended up having baby L via home-birth with a midwife and my OBGYN. 

I found another gals blog, OneGoodThingByJillee.com and she posted about homemade everything. It got me thinking, I could use basic household items to clean my house, rather than buying commercial products. Slowly I switched our cleaners, ie all purpose cleaner, from Method to Vinger/water/essential oils. I stopped using toilet bowl cleaners, and use baking soda and vinegar. These 2 simple products can do so much. And if you add certain essential oils, you've got yourself antibacterial antimicrobial, etc. Then I made homemade lotion using coconut oil, Vitamin E and Aloe Vera. We love it. 

In February I became a consultant with It Works! Global sharing "The Crazy Wrap". Basically a thin piece of cloth that could be worn anywhere from your chin down to tighten, tone, and firm in as little as 45 minutes. I used it on my thighs, lost a quarter inch. Great product. Had fun at expos and sharing it with friends. Then I was invited to a friends party, Ava Anderson. Couldn't make it, but went over a few weeks later. I did a presentations for my wraps and she did one for this product. It was very informative, didn't buy anything. Since going in March I saw her posting articles and information on Facebook about chemicals. 

Rewind a few months. I knew the chemicals in deodorants were bad, so I had purchased 2 natural ones. One from Etsy, didn't work and another from amazon.com. That one did work sort of, but didn't keep me dry. So I went back to Secret, because I had read reviews of all the other "natural" deodorants and they didn't seem good. 

I asked Laura, Ava Anderson rep about their deodorant and if it worked. She said yes and it smells great. So I purchased it and was/am pleased with the smell. It takes about 1 week for your body to adjust, I remember having to apply it more than one time a day for the first week, then after I was hooked. It smells like peppermint, keeps me dry, and feels great. I told her I loved this and she asked if I wanted to sign up. I kindly said not now. That was in May that I had purchased the Deodorant and come July I decided it was time to go "fully" toxic free. I signed up with Ava Anderson, got this really neat bag and a bunch of products. I love them all. No toxins whatsoever. All natural, organic and essential oils. Ok, I kind of lied, I'm not fully toxic free, but pretty damn close. 

So that's my story. I'm now an Ava Anderson Consultant and want to educate everyone about toxins. How bad they are for you.

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